Doctor Hannah Lock


I’m an Emergency Medicine and Expedition Doctor specialising in trekking and mountaineering at high altitude.

Check out my online learning platform Humans At High Altitude designed for everyone playing or working in mountain and high altitude environments. 

My mountain medicine blog

Insightful and informative content designed to be accessible to mountain professionals, mountain medics and all mountain adventurers.

This blog has updates on everything from preparing for a high altitude expedition to managing tick bites.

Click here for my blog.

What my clients say

Here are some people that I've had the pleasure of working with.

“Hannah was a brilliant doctor who was always there to help with any problem we had no matter how big or small the issue was, very easy to communicate with and helped massively with helping us all summit.”
Hassan Mansur
Expedition Participant
“Enthusiasm and applied knowledge in abundance and what a sense of humour, just tremendous.”
Norman Davies
Expedition Participant
“Worked like an absolute Trojan! Was always on hand to help and encourage you every step of the expedition. Put other people’s care before herself and always had a smile.”
Katherine Robinson
Expedition Participant

My gallery

Here are some of my favourite shots from my travels around the world.